Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Spring Break = Rain Break

It is day 2 of Trey's Spring Break and it is raining of course. So, to entertain the babes we went to the gym this morning for their play and socialization time while I got to burn a few calories. We then came home to have a picnic for lunch. Peanut Butter and Jelly sandwiches with popcorn. Yum. We are going to settle down and watch some Bolt. Then maybe later, Trey and I will start some cucumber and cantalope seeds for our garden this summer. Now, what to do for the rest of the week???

Monday, March 30, 2009

5k on Sunday

I ran a 5k on Sunday. I did OK, 38.31 minutes to complete. According to my ipod nike + I ran over a 5k though. It was a great time with friends and supporting our servicemembers (procedes went to SOS program). It was however, really really cold, which may have accounted for the longer time (I didn't warm up well). Afterwards, it was off for pizza and beer with the gang. Fun times, fun times.

Monday, March 23, 2009


oops, the t-ball pictures didn't attach....

T-ball practice pcitures

Papa got some pictures of Trey's first t-ball practice. At his Saturday practice, he said he was having a lot of fun!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Happy Belated St. Patricks Day

Guess Who?



I love my little Leprechauns!

T-ball time

Trey started t-ball practice yesterday. He is will be a Yankee this year. Lee is helping to coach and Papa even went to watch Trey's first practice yesterday. I got to stay home because of my contageous pink eye (so lovely). I will try to take a few pictures tomorrow and get them posted.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Happy Birthday Grandma Grow!

Happy 92nd Birthday Grandma Grow...

Here is wishing you a bright and sunny day!

Monday, March 9, 2009

A few more


Who needs blocks?


Curious twosome
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Some pictures

Here are a few pictures of the family...

Parker and Chase in the bath

The boys playing mario cart

Lee and the boys wrestling


Day 1

It's snowing and raining today, the kids are down for naps, and having quiet time; so I decided to start a blog. There are so many relatives all over, I thought this would be a good way for everyone to keep up with us. Please be patient, this is a work in progress....