Wednesday, November 18, 2009

We Moved!

Well, it has been a while. I haven't been as good at this blogging thing as I thought I would be. I have never been good with consistency, it's just me. I am learning to accept it.

But since Lee's lay off in July, we had a lot of applications go out, and very few calls back. Until Sandvik Special Metals in Kennewick, WA called. Lee interviewed on a Monday and was offered the job on Wednesday. As usual, it was a quick decision and quick move.

The boys and I have been here since November 1st. They seem to be transitioning well. Although I can't seem to read the weather well, things are going just fine.

Here is a picture of the house, and if I can find a few pictures of the landscape from our apartment balcony, I will add those.

So, hello from Pasco!
5720 Robert Wayne Dr.
Pasco, WA 99301
(509) 380-5180
cell phone numbers are the same

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

And we're off to Kindergarten!!

Trey started Kindergarten this week. He was so excited to ride the bus like the big kids.

He had a great day. His favorite part was recess and even saw a t-ball buddy at lunch. I think it is going to be a pretty good year, despite the odd days of class. Our school district had budget cuts, so he goes Tuesday, Friday and every other Wednesday, all day.
Much love to my big boy, I can't believe how fast the time has gone!

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Time flies

Happy 40th Wedding Anniversary Mom and Dad (July 18th 2009)
Unfortunately (or fortunately depending how one looks at it) I didn't take a lot of pictures, so I am awaiting copies from others.
It was fun to have family that my parents have not seen in 25+ years. Here are a few photos.

Cousins Carole and Maryanne
Connie and my mom

Friday, June 12, 2009

Happy Graduation

Trey graduated from pre-school on June 10th. I got a bit misty thinking about how fast the time has gone.

Mrs. Marshall and Trey. She is such a great teacher.

Monday, June 1, 2009

The boys

I am not winning mom of the month this time around. The twins turned 2 on the 22nd, and I am just now blogging about it. Call it denial, call it procrastination, call it busy mom syndrome. But here are a few pictures.

Happy Birthday Parker!

Happy Birthday Chase!

They say "welcome to the terrible twos" but little do people know, they start around 18 months. :)

Sunday, May 17, 2009

The happs

The boys got a new tree house. Our great friends gave us their old play structure and we took it apart and made it fit our little back yard.

Getting it off the trailor.

OK, it doesn't fit this way

So we took down the fence between our house and our neighbor JoAnne's. She has a double gate on the other side.

Taking it through JoAnne's patio

The final product. The boys love it!

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Busy weekend

It has been a while since posting. Things have been very uneventful here. Here is what we did on Friday.... note to anyone out there: DO NOT go to the zoo on a Friday afternoon, it was too busy.

Trey took many pictures of the animals, here is his first, the giraffe.

Here Trey is posing for one of many pictures.

And I actually let the boys out of the stroller to play (brave, I know) and got them to take a picture together, yeah!

Saturday Morning, Trey had his trke-a-thon fundraiser for school. He had fun cruising....

Lee and I then went to a friends CD release party. He is an awesome artist and think you should all check him out and pass him along. He is FAN-F*N-TASTIC

This guy, Tony Smiley, is pretty awesome too. He is the new version of a one man band.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Easter fun.

It was a soggy day for the Easter Egg hunt. But the boys had fun.

Even when they fell. oops

Sorry they are late, and I really didn't get a lot of pictures (bad mom). We were just having too much fun.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Monday, April 6, 2009

The Sun is shining

I haven't been blogging because the SUN IS SHINING HERE!!!!! I will have some pics to post and stories to tell as soon as the rain begins again. Hopefully that won't be for a long time. :)

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Spring Break = Rain Break

It is day 2 of Trey's Spring Break and it is raining of course. So, to entertain the babes we went to the gym this morning for their play and socialization time while I got to burn a few calories. We then came home to have a picnic for lunch. Peanut Butter and Jelly sandwiches with popcorn. Yum. We are going to settle down and watch some Bolt. Then maybe later, Trey and I will start some cucumber and cantalope seeds for our garden this summer. Now, what to do for the rest of the week???

Monday, March 30, 2009

5k on Sunday

I ran a 5k on Sunday. I did OK, 38.31 minutes to complete. According to my ipod nike + I ran over a 5k though. It was a great time with friends and supporting our servicemembers (procedes went to SOS program). It was however, really really cold, which may have accounted for the longer time (I didn't warm up well). Afterwards, it was off for pizza and beer with the gang. Fun times, fun times.

Monday, March 23, 2009


oops, the t-ball pictures didn't attach....

T-ball practice pcitures

Papa got some pictures of Trey's first t-ball practice. At his Saturday practice, he said he was having a lot of fun!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Happy Belated St. Patricks Day

Guess Who?



I love my little Leprechauns!

T-ball time

Trey started t-ball practice yesterday. He is will be a Yankee this year. Lee is helping to coach and Papa even went to watch Trey's first practice yesterday. I got to stay home because of my contageous pink eye (so lovely). I will try to take a few pictures tomorrow and get them posted.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Happy Birthday Grandma Grow!

Happy 92nd Birthday Grandma Grow...

Here is wishing you a bright and sunny day!

Monday, March 9, 2009